Couchsurfing is not for commercial use. Occasionally, members have reported people trying to sell them tours, travel deals, airfare deals, employment offers, and other things. Sometimes these offers turned out to be phony, other times it was just commercial spam, and other times it was a well-meaning Couchsurfer who found a good deal. Don't risk finding out which scenario is the case: play it safe and say no to any offers.
Tip: There should never be a reason why you need to send money to someone's personal account before you meet them. If you're sharing the cost of something, you can pay them when you arrive. If you want to do an activity that costs money, don't give your money to another Couchsurfer, even if they say they can arrange it for you. Instead, pay only reputable services that can confirm your transaction and give you a receipt.
We occasionally receive reports of surfers asking hosts for cash, to be paid back later by check or PayPal. In some cases, these loans were never repaid. Don't let it happen to you -- if someone asks you to lend them money, say no.
- Tip: There are plenty of ways to help a stranded Couchsurfer without handing over cash. Offer to let them stay with you while they wait for a wire from a friend, or help them locate the embassy of their home country.
If you need further assistance, please contact our support staff directly.