Will you remove the profile of a Couchsurfer who I think should not be part of our community?


In the spirit of being a diverse worldwide community, we do not exclude people from membership for controversial views, political activity, personality, communication style, etc.

We review all reports and will take action against a profile if we see that they are violating our Terms of Use. Please keep in mind that not all of the actions we take against profiles are visible to other members, nor are we able to disclose the actions we take. Only in rare cases will we completely deactivate a member's profile. 

If you have had a negative experience with someone, please contact us to report the situation so that we can take appropriate action. If you feel comfortable doing so, please also leave a reference for the member. An honest account of your experience with that member will allow other Couchsurfers to make informed decisions for themselves about whether they want to meet or travel with that member.

If you have recently reported a member and it doesn't appear to have impacted the member's profile: 

  • There may not be enough evidence for us to take action, or we may need more than one report of a similar incident before we delete a profile for that reason. 
  • The member's profile may be frozen or suspended pending review.
  • The member may have received a warning.  
  • We may have reviewed the profile and determined that there was no Terms of Use violation. 
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