Where can I find my Couchsurfing messages?


On Couchsurfing, members can send both Messages and Couchrequests. They are different, but both are ways that members can communicate with one another. 

Your messages and couchrequests can be found in your Inbox, which can be accessed by clicking the "letter" icon in the Navigation bar.


All communications that you have with a given member are "threaded" into a single message thread with that member. 



Messages are ways that members can privately reach out to one another. To see messages that you've sent or received, click on the "Messages" filter at the top of your Inbox. Learn how to send messages to members here

If you request to stay with someone in a message, the site will not be able to send you important information about your trip and the host may not get credit for hosting you. 


Couchrequests & Couch Offers

If you are planning to stay with another member, please send them a Couchrequest (or if you are a Host inviting travelers, send them a Couch offer). This let's the member know that you'd like to stay with them or have them stay with you. 

To see requests that you've sent or received, click on the "Requests" filter at the top of your inbox.  


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