How do I make my Couchsurfing profile great?


A Couchsurfing profile is your face in the CS community, and it's also the first place to start creating positive experiences.  

First, you will need to get your profile started. Check out our getting started for new members section for some information.


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  • Be honest and detailed. Not everyone will get your sense of humor, or like your opinion—but some people will love them. Show your personality so you can meet the members who will appreciate it. And, while you decide what to share, remember that more information helps other members get to know you better.
  • Set your standards. Is there is anything that people need to know about you to be a good guest in your home or host during your travels—for instance religious beliefs, pets, or dietary restrictions? Put it right out there on your profile to avoid potential miscommunications.


  • Don't just tell us, show us! What's the most beautiful place you've ever seen? What does a night out with your friends look like? Where do you drink your morning coffee? Photos on a Couchsurfing profile are a way for other members to see the world through your eyes.

Couch Description

  • Keep your setting updated. If you can't host anyone right now, make sure your profile says so—this will save you and other members from spending time on Couch Requests when you're not available.
  • Set your guidelines. This is the place to tell members what you expect when they stay with you. How much time will you spend together? Where will they sleep? If you can't have anyone in your home who'll be bothered when you practice the saxophone, let everyone know in this section!


  • Decide how people see your profile. You can decide whether non-members can see your profile, whether you're identified by your real name or your member name, and much more. You can change your privacy settings here


  • List all your languages. Even if your French is rusty, you can always list yourself as a 'Beginner.' Don't shortchange yourself! If you're the only person in your town with a few words of Mandarin, you could be a great resource.


  • Share as much as you'd like. If you'd like to keep track of the places you've seen, and share that information with other users, here's the place to do it.


  • Use Member Search to find your friends on CS. Search by city or by member name to find your friends, then start building your Couchsurfing friend list! Don't know any Couchsurfers? We're not hard to get to know—read more about getting involved in the community.
  • Add friends with care. A friend on CS is like a friend in real life—it's a person you've shared time with and have respect for. By listing someone as your friend, you're telling the community that you have some level of trust in that person. Be wary of adding acquaintances, former friends, or online friends. Never add a friend that you don't know at all.



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