What are the community guidelines?


By using Couchsurfing, all members should act in accordance with our Community Guidelines:

“Be Considerate and Respectful” is a core Couchsurfing principle that requires people to treat other people in the Couchsurfing community with civility, respect and consideration – both online and offline. Respect opposing or differing opinions and beliefs. Try to listen to and understand others with whom you may disagree. Encourage others in the community to also be welcoming and respectful.

Following these simple guidelines will help make this community a better place for us all:

Respect Others: Couchsurfing is a meeting place for people of different cultures, lifestyles and ideals. By joining our community, you promise to communicate with respect and consideration, even if you encounter someone you disagree with.

Work Together to Resolve Disputes: Couchsurfers are always encouraged to work through their member disputes and problems together with the other Couchsurfers. Working together with others and appreciating different viewpoints are important aspects of the Couchsurfing experience.

Don’t Attack Members or Their Content: Personal attacks are not allowed on Couchsurfing, nor are disrespectful or insulting attacks directed at other people and their contributions to the community. See Couchsurfing Policies and Terms of Use for more information.

Use Good Judgment and Be Empathetic: When interacting with others on Couchsurfing, try to see the world from their perspective. People contribute to the Couchsurfing community in their own way. Disputes between members can occur when differing cultural norms create a misunderstanding, as many things are acceptable in some cultures and unacceptable in others.

Member Interactions: It is okay to disagree. In fact, alternative points of view are a key part of cultural exchange as long as your comments are civil, respectful and polite. Remember to give the impression of assuming goodwill on the part of the person with whom you are disagreeing.

Retaliation Is Not Okay: It is never okay to violate Couchsurfing policies, even in response to another person who has done so.

Safety Is a Cornerstone of the Couchsurfing Community: Member safety is very important to Couchsurfing and the health of the community. Please review our Safety Basics and Personal Safety Tips pages for more information.

Report Violations: If you feel another person is violating Couchsurfing policies, use the Flagging or Report tools available next to posts, Events, messages, and on profiles. You can also contact our Trust and Safety team.



Content that violates this policy may be removed, and violations of this policy can result in a warning and/or removal of access to elements of the site or features. In some instances, the offender will be removed from the Couchsurfing community. All policy enforcement and member consequence decisions are made entirely at the discretion of Couchsurfing. Staff decisions are final and considered private matters between Couchsurfing’s staff and the member(s) involved. If there are any questions about a recent action taken on your account, please contact Couchsurfing Support for details.


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