You have friends around the world, you just haven’t met them yet.
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Couchsurfing is the best way to stay with amazing locals, make lifelong travel friends, or host travelers coming to your hometown. Over 12 million travel enthusiasts use Couchsurfing in more than 230,000 cities around the world.
Find hosts in your next destination
- Browse the millions of local hosts offering a place to stay in thousands of cities and towns
- Stay with and meet locals and have an authentic travel experience
- Explore accommodations options near where you are right now, or near your future destination
Make New Friends
- Discover thousands of fun events planned by other Couchsurfers in your hometown or in your next travel destination
- Use Couchsurfing Hangouts to show you who’s nearby your current location and available to meet up right now
- Host or meet up with incoming travelers coming to your city
And More
- Easily create and manage a Couchsurfing profile
- Manage your incoming or outgoing requests and messages
- Add pictures to document your travel adventures