How do I edit my Profile and Couch Status in the mobile app?


Editing your Profile

You can edit your profile on the app by tapping into your Profile and then tapping the orange pencil icon in the top right corner. The screen that loads has all of the profile fields that you can tap and edit. Be sure to tap "Save" on the Edit Profile screen after making any changes.


Updating your Couch Status

You can adjust your Couch Status by tapping into the "Who are you?" section on the "Edit profile" screen and tapping on "Status" to select the appropriate status. Be sure to Save your change before navigating away from the Edit profile screen. 


Uploading Photos or Updating your Photo

Please see this article on uploading new photos or updating your profile photo on the app.  


Upgrade your profile and make it stand out with Verification. Get Verified today! 

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