While logged in to your account
If you are logged in, you can change your password by going into your Settings. On the Account & Settings page, you will see a field called Password. Click on the "Change your password here" link.
You will then be brought to a page where you can enter your new password.
Note: If you forget your current password, you will need to log out of your account and use the "Forgot your password" tool to generate a new password (see below for directions)
While logged out of your account
If you are logged out of your Couchsurfing account, you can request a password reset email by clicking "Login" and then by clicking the "Forgot password?" link below the password field. Here's a shortcut to the Forgot Password link.
Enter the email address that is associated with your Couchsurfing account and then look out for an email from Couchsurfing with your Password reset link in it.
Created Couchsurfing account using the 'Connect with Facebook Button
If you created your Couchsurfing account using the “Connect with Facebook” button, your Couchsurfing email address will be the email address associated with your Facebook account, but you will not have a Couchsurfing password until you create one. You can create a new Couchsurfing password by using the ‘Forgot your password?’ link on the login page (you'll need to log out to do this). You can also request a password reset by clicking the link here.
Once you click on this link, enter the email address that is associated with your Facebook account (as this should be the same email address that we have listed in the system as your Couchsurfing email address). After you click submit, check your email for a password reset link.
No longer have access to your email account?
If do not have access to the email account where the Password Reset link is sent, or if the email address that is associated with your Couchsurfing account isn't active, please check out this FAQ Article. We can update your email address for you.
Didn't receive your password reset email?
There are a few reasons why the Password Reset process may not have worked for you. Let's try to figure out why it's not working:
1) Be sure to enter the email address that is associated with Couchsurfing account when you go to reset your password. When you click on "Send me reset instructions" you should see a message appear that says "If your email address exists in our database, you will receive a password recovery link at your email address in a few minutes."
2) If you see this confirmation message, go to the email account where you sent the link and check your inbox for a email from Couchsurfing with the subject "Reset Password Instructions". If you do not see it after a few minutes, you can try the following:
- Check your spam folder as it may have been diverted there
- Check the "Social Tab" of your inbox (or other folders it may have been assigned to)
- Whitelist our email address by adding noreply@couchsurfing.com and noreply@couchsurfing.org to your contact list and trying to send a new password. You may find details here.
If you can't find the email sent from Couchsurfing, let us know and we’ll try to figure out why this email is not arriving in your inbox.
3) If you were able to find the Password Reset email, click on the "Change your password" link.
If the link doesn’t work, let us know. Please remember that the link sent to your email address will expire after 24 hours. Also, *if you have requested more that one password reset link*, only the latest link you requested will work. Sometimes, email providers will 'collapse' and 'thread together' similar emails, so be sure looks for the latest email we sent.