How do I update my location?


Edit your Address/Location

To edit your profile location, begin by going to your Account & Settings page. Then, click the Edit/Verify Your Location below your listed location. 


A page will open where you can enter your street address and / or your city. Clicking "confirm address" will update your location!



Your street address will always be kept private, but members will be able to view the city, state, and country that you live in.  

Verify your address! Learn more about our Verification feature and get verified today. 

Having trouble?

To make sure your location is saved correctly, be sure to write in or select a City, State (if applicable), and Country location, even if you are not entering a street address. 


If you continue to see the error "We were unable to determine your location...", here are some additional steps that may help:

1) Go to the Couchsurfing location form and delete any existing information in the location fields.

2) Write in your City, Region and search for your Country from the drop down list and manually enter the postal code. 

If you want to be more specific about a location that the site was unable to find, you may wish to add additional information about your location, like landmarks nearby, in the My Home section of your profile (or in direct messages to Surfers planning to stay with you).


Still not working?

Please send us a link to your profile, a description of the issues you are having along with the complete mailing address you are trying to use. 

Once we have some more information from you and once we can find your location, we can see what is causing this issue. You can contact us here



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