If you are unable to update your email address in your account settings using your Couchsurfing password, we can help you update your email address for you. Just send us a request with the information listed below.
Security Questions
In order to update your email for you, please include the following details in your request. Don't worry if you don't remember all of the following information - just include as many details as possible so that we can confirm that you are the owner of the account:
- What is your full name?
- When did you create your profile?
- When did you last access the website?
- What is exact street address that you have registered?
- What is your date of birth?
- Who is listed as the emergency contact on your profile?
- What is the email address currently connected with your Couchsurfing account?
- What is the new email address you wish to use?
- What is the link to your Couchsurfing profile?
How to fill out Support Form
So that we can get your your request as quickly as possible, make sure you select the following categories on the request form and include the details listed below:
Category:My Account
Sub-Category: Resetting Password or Login Issues
What can we help with?: I need to reset my password and don't have access to my email address