What is the difference between Surf, Host and Personal references and Feedback?


Surf & Host References

Surf and Host references are tied to official Couchrequests between members. In order to leave a Surf/Host reference after a stay, traveler and host must have a Couchrequest between them in the “Accepted” or “Confirmed” state. Members may still create “Pesonal” references for other members that they do not have an official Couchrequest with. Learn how to leave Guest & Host references here

Official Surf and Host references also display green stars on the profile of the member that received them. This notes that they are different than Personal references, which can be left by anyone. 

Did you stay a host’s home with a group of Couchsurfers? For now, only one surfer and one host are permitted to give official feedback for a stay. We’re still building features to accommodate more surfers in the reference process. As a temporary workaround, additional travelers may create references under the “Personal” reference designations (as opposed to “Surf” or “Host”).


Personal References

Friend & Other references can be left for anyone you have interacted with over the Couchsurfing system or in real life. If you did not have a confirmed Couchrequest, your  previous hosts' and guests' references may appear as an "Other" reference. It is not possible for us to change them to be Guest or Host references. 



In addition to references, members can also submit anonymous feedback for stays they've had with other members. In order to leave feedback after a stay, traveler and host must have a Couchrequest between them in the “Accepted” or “Confirmed” state.

Once a stay is completed, you will be prompted to give feedback for the other member on your dashboard. You can then leave your anonymous feedback by selecting tags that describe your stay or hosting experience. 

Positive feedback tags will be public and grouped anonymously on this person’s profile in future site updates. Negative feedback tags are private (will not be shared with the other member and won't appear on profiles) and will be reviewed by the Safety Team. 

At this time, members can only select positive feedback tags or negative feedback tags (can't do a mixture of the two). If you'd like to leave positive feedback for a member, please note that you can always contact us privately to let us know about any less-than-positive experiences you had with them. 

Examples of Positive Feedback tags:



 Examples of Negative Feedback tags:


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