What is a New Member Welcome Message?
Our amazing group of Ambassadors have written their own personal welcome messages for new members. One welcome message from an Ambassador is automatically sent every time someone joins Couchsurfing. These are meant to give you a small introduction to Couchsurfing and give you your first point of contact in case you have any questions or concerns. These are real Couchsurfers who have had incredible experiences on Couchsurfing and are excited to help you get the most out of Couchsurfing.
Why did I receive this message?
If you received this message, it is because you recently joined Couchsurfing! A welcome message is automatically sent to all new members.
Do I have to respond?
No! But you can! if you want some advice or help from an experienced Couchsurfer, then ask away! The Ambassadors want to make you feel welcome and help you get the most out of Couchsurfing - so feel free to respond if you'd like - or simply ignore it!
What if I have a question?
If it is about how the site works or functions (verification, email trouble, issues with your profile) then please contact the support team through our Help Desk. If it is about how to best use Couchsurfing or how the site works, check out our FAQ. If you want to hear about someone's personal experience on the site, then feel free to respond to the Ambassador that sent you the welcome message with your question!