Existing Members: I don't want to pay for a subscription but want a copy of my data


Existing members who didn't previously contribute to Couchsurfing financially with a verification payment are required to sign up for a monthly or annual contribution plan. Without that plan, you are unable to access our community. 

Members who have an active subscription have the ability to request a copy of their data via their privacy settings.

I'm still confused... if I don't want to pay, what are my options?

  • You can request a copy of your data from the subscription page.  
  • You can deactivate your profile from the subscription page.  
  • You can request to delete your account permanently from the subscription page.  
  • You can contact support with any questions or help actions above. 

You may also be interested in this article:

Download your data: Information on how to download your data

Existing Members: What happens with my account if I don't want to subscribe?

Have more questions? Submit a request


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