Using Couchsurfing
Use this page to find answers to common questions! You can either search by typing in the search bar above or browse through the categories listed below.
Subscriptions & Payment
- What is a Couchsurfing subscription?
- What subscription plans are available?
- How do I cancel my Couchsurfing subscription?
- How do I change my subscription type?
- How much does Couchsurfing cost?
- What payment methods are available?
- I already paid, why is my account not Verified?
- What are the benefits of verification?
- Common Issues with Verification
- Verification Payment Questions
- How can Hosts earn access to Verification?
- Phone (SMS) & Government ID Verification
Profile & Account Settings
- What can I expect when I request for all my data to be deleted?
- How do I sign up and get started on Couchsurfing?
- How can I complete my profile?
- How do I make my Couchsurfing profile great?
- Common account issues
- How can I update my email address and email settings?
Surfing & Hosting
- Why are some dates blocked when I try to request a host?
- Getting Started for New Members
- How do I Travel with Couchsurfing?
- How do I Create or Delete a Public Trip?
- How do I host on Couchsurfing?
- How to Use Public Trips to find a Host
- How do I Dispute a Reference?
- Common Issues with References
- What are the reference guidelines?
- How can I find Negative References?
- Updates to the Reference System
- How do Reference Responses Work?
Messages & Inbox
Policies and Guidelines
Media and Couchsurfing Stories
- How can I share my Couchsurfing story?
- How do I reach Couchsurfing to request an interview?
- I would like to survey Couchsurfing members
- I'm doing a research project on Couchsurfing. Can you help?
- How can I report copyright and trademark infringement to Couchsurfing?
- Couchsurfing Trademark Information and Inquiries.